Name On Logo: East Hampton Airport
Our Slogan
Premier Gateway to the Hamptons
What we do
Our airport services a very select group of high net worth clients. Most of the people that use our airport are people leaving New York City to come to their weekend home at the beach (Hamptons).
Industry: Travel & Hospitality
Things to communicate through the design
1. Airport
2. high End (class) but a vacation or beach vibe
3. professional timely
The target audience
Stock brokers, wall st types, city folk, vacationers to the beach, family getaways, high net worth
We like these fonts, colors and style
Greens, yellows, brown, tan, white, aqua, teal, Blues (but not too much blue), red
Our design will be used on
(Web) (Print Media)
Additional Info Added Feb 2, 2012
We are a small airport that services Private jets, so no pictures of Jumbo Jets, sorry.
We also have a lot of seaplane traffic (Not that there has to be a seaplane in the logo) type of plane: cessna 208 caravan on floats
And although we are on the beach, we are not tropical and therefor do not have palm trees