Prize Amount

$200 Prize


270 Entries

Contest ending time


pzzlrs Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: pzzlrs
Our Slogan
What we do
There is no U in our word. It's pzzlrs. This is a website for word game players like Wordle, Connections, etc and other type of puzzle players. Need a logo and an icon for the App Store.
Industry: Entertainment

Things to communicate through the design
1. for word game puzzle players like Wordle, Connections
2. social
3. community

The target audience
word game puzzle players. There is no U in our word. It's pzzlrs.

We like these fonts, colors and style
don't have anything specific. Just want logo to be clear and clean. Need a logo that says pzzlrs as well as an icon for App store.

Our design will be used on
