Prize Amount

$300 Prize


972 Entries

Contest ending time


Unity Peak Capital Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: Unity Peak Capital
Our Slogan
No Slogan
What we do
An investment company that invests by bringing many companies together to build a stronger company.

Want a clean, trustworthy and unique logo.
Industry: Financial & Insurance

Things to communicate through the design
1. Sense of stronger together i.e., unity
2. Sense of achievement i.e., achieving a "peak"
3. Modernity and simplicity

The target audience
Age: 25-60
Sex: more male
Location: US
Income: $150K+
Occupation: small business owners and investors
Education: Bachelor+

We like these fonts, colors and style
Preference 1: Colors = dark green (e.g., hunter green) and white
Preference 2: Color = dark blue and white

Font = Arial? Communicates simplicity and professionalism

Our design will be used on
