Prize Amount

$300 Prize


92 Entries

Contest ending time


Alive Inside Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: Alive Inside
Our Slogan
No Slogan
What we do
We design and build a “grid-down” packages for those who want to prepare for their family and loved ones during uncertain times. Our retro fit packages are complete with independent power, water, food storage, shelter, and more — all without compromising any of the original fit or finish of the home you love. In other words, our safe room retrofitting allows you to enjoy your home as it currently is but you’ll have the peace of mind that in the case of any emergency, you have a place to take refuge, and stay Alive Inside.
Industry: Home & Garden

Things to communicate through the design
1. Keep your loved ones safe
2. A place to stay alive in an uncertain world
3. Contrast between violence and storms outside and living relationships inside

The target audience
We don't fit into any of the common categories. We want to work for people who are concerned about the state of the world tensions, failure of the utility grids and uncertainty of weather. These people want to make a safe place for their families, many have seen their loved ones freeze to death when there was a winter storm, or killed when political tension turns into riots in the streets. It may sound like we're the all too common "preppers" of this time, but we're not aligned with them beyond the simple since of preparation. Our goal is to build safe rooms that can save the most valuable thing we have, our loved ones and family.

We like these fonts, colors and style
I've made an attempt at a logo that depicts a family inside a cabin with trees and a city behind them. What I wish it had was something with more of the unrest and danger outside (storm, fire, violence, etc). I like the warmth and safety that it depicts inside. I know that a logo needs to be simple, so I like who part of the logo can be extracted and used in places where a simple version is required. I've also made it where it can be expanded and used as a website footer. I'm open to any other ideas regarding colors and font.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media)  (Billboards & Signs)  (Television) 
