Prize Amount

$222 Prize


233 Entries

Contest ending time


Elena Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: Elena
Our Slogan
Kompjutorski vez
What we do
It's small family business, we do embroidery in Split, Croatia (Kompjutorski vez is translation of Embroidery). Logo can be like Elena or in uppercase ELENA don't have any preferences.
Industry: Miscellaneous

Things to communicate through the design
1. Modern
2. Fun
3. Proffesionalism

The target audience
I just want nice looking logo because I don't have any

We like these fonts, colors and style
Don't have any preferences, everything goes. Maybe embroidery needle and thread on logo.

Our design will be used on
(Print Media) 

Additional Info Added May 21, 2018
Those 3 pictures are something that I always encounter in my buisiness, hoop, needle and spool.

Maybe it will help, thx.

P.S. Notice needle that is different than most people put on logo, it must be like #42 or #82
