Prize Amount

$200 Prize


141 Entries

Contest ending time


Pit TicketPro Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: Pit TicketPro
Our Slogan
Aggregate Hauling Ticket Management
What we do
Our software is replacing the paper trail process currently involved in the aggregate hauling space within construction. Currently, paper tickets are the way material movement is tracked, recorded, and invoiced within pre-site construction (commercial, multi-unit buildings, and civil construction). Our software is creating a way aggregate pit, trucking company, and the construction company can log and track material movement through software, getting rid of the headache of paper tickets.
Industry: Construction

Things to communicate through the design
1. Efficiency - we are fast (opposed to the current slow process)
2. Reliability - we are a modern company, but we are built for the construction space
3. Simplicity - we are a simple software to use, not overly complicating an already complex operation

The target audience
C-Level executives & logistics managers of construction companies, trucking companies, and aggregate pits. We are selling to the people at the top within these companies, although the people using the software are skilled laborers- truck drivers, foremen on job sites, and office administrators for these companies.

We like these fonts, colors and style
Some colors I have considered: red & black, construction orange and black, caterpillar yellow and black. I imagine the logo with the letters PTP for an abbreviated logo for the app, and the name spelled out in the full logo. Other than that I am open to anything.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media) 

Additional Info Added Jul 18, 2017
The "ticket" in Pit TicketPro is actually more of a paper form to track a shipment, rather than an admissions ticket as many of the logos have (and I don't like). Also, the truck that we deal with is a dump truck, not a moving truck, as some of the logos have which I don't like.
