I'm running a design contest and would love your opinion. Please vote on your favorite logo below.
Designs are submitted in real-time from designers all over the world.

171 Entries


Community Safety and Well-Being / Sécurité et de bien-être dans les collectivités
The ultimate goal of community safety and well-being planning is to achieve sustainable communities where everyone is safe, has a sense of belonging, opportunities to participate, and where individuals and families are able to meet their needs for education, health care, food, housing, income, and social and cultural expression. Our name is bilingual English and French.

Three things we want to communicate through our design
1. a feeling of being safe in our community
2. support of a healthy lifestyle
3. proud to be living in Cornwall
LogoMyWay is a crowdsourcing website with over 30,000 logo designers from all over the world, that compete to win design contests.

Vote by clicking the stars (1 Star = Not Good - 5 Stars = Very Good)

Entry #102
Entry #67