Prize Amount

$300 Prize


99 Entries

Contest ending time


CDR Chrome Diesel Repair Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: CDR Chrome Diesel Repair
Our Slogan
No Slogan
What we do
This company is a heavy duty Mechanic shop. It repairs and services heavy duty semi trucks.
Industry: Automotive

Things to communicate through the design
1. Clarity
2. Quality
3. Service

The target audience
Industry, Age, Location,

We like these fonts, colors and style
We are looking at the logo having a 3D Chrome effect, Also the letters "CDR" prominent over the words "Chrome Diesel Repair" The letters "CDR" in a bolder font. Maybe also a design of a semi truck in the logo.

Our design will be used on
(Print Media)  (Billboards & Signs)  (Mugs & Tshirts) 
